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Explore The Advanced Technology of DaRee


Sophisticated and Advanced Robotics

Advanced Research on Robotic Arm(AI)

DaRee Technology has very advanced robotics and sensor technology. Recently, we have been researching moving robot arms based on signals coming from the human body and have achieved some notable results. The robot arms moved exactly what the wearer thought at about the same time. We succeeded in making the patient feel the temperature through the robot arms and allowing the signals and motions to appear at 0.1 second parallax intervals.

Clinical Trials to Validate Product and Technology

• Subject: over 70 years of age (including knee artificial joint surgery patients)

• When walking flat while wearing a muscle assist robot, stride, walking speed, and gliding tended to increase and decrease in speed compared to when not wearing a muscle assist robot, and in the case of muscle activity, 32% decreased in step motion and 29% decreased in STS motion


Korea's Largest and Best 3D Printing Facilities & Equipment

  • >For 1m length multi materiel 3D printing

    >Available for printing using more than 2 types of materials at once

  • >Two-layer printing technology that can control mechanical stiffness

    >Technology to control the electrical properties of mechanical and electric parts(Applied to sensor part technologies)

  • >​Design and manufacture of flexible materials/textured structures ↔ Design and manufacture of high-rigid structures

    >Sub-meter grade heterogeneous materials and flexible materials can be output imultaneously

  • >Low-cost muscle strength assistance parts through printing of high-stiffness and light-weight mechanical structures
    >Manufacturing/optimizing parts with customized design and user characteristics

  • >Able to print shape including sensor structure that can monitor physical condition
    >Technology to print structure-sensor-endothelium-endothelium simultaneously

  • >Able to print at 500 degrees celcius

  • >Polymer liquid printing

Various Functions of High Quality Printers

Self Developed High Quality 3D Printer List

DaRee Technology has the biggest large sized for multi, flexible and high temperature(500℃) material 3D printer facilities.

· Building Area 1000x1000 mm Dual Nozzle Printer ×1

· Building Area 500x500 mm Dual Nozzle Printer ×1

· High Temperature Material(PEEK) 380x500 Dual Nozzle Printer ×1

· Delta Printer(Diameter 500mm) ×1

· Syringe Printer ×1

· Entry-level Printers ×2

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